The plot thickens. The best suggestion so far, from my wife, is that the plant carries genes for both, and that white branch is a sport. I've seen wisteria in white and in various shades of purple, but never two different colours on the same bush.
The weather has been wild in Sydney these past months. It's been spring in July, summer in September, and back to winter in October. The unseasonably cold, wet and windy weather may have been a blessing. Our wisteria usually flowers for only a couple of weeks each year, but the cold spell landed half-way through the blooming, so some of the buds haven't yet opened. Hopefully they will come out when the weather turns warm again, prolonging the blooming. On the other hand, the scent hasn't been as heady as in previous years: it really needs a full crop for the best effect.
Likewise. I have a wisteria which started out white and is now producing purple flowers!?!?
And my lovely purple wisteria are blooming in huge long flowers now (Utah), but they are white this year, except for one stem, which has shorter purple flowers. The whole long railing is draped; it looks like it could be a wedding setting. I'm not going to complain about them, because they do look gorgeous. It's just a surprise, that's all.
It's hard to complain about wisteria in full bloom. The white can look heavenly.
My white wisteria has several dark purple blooms. Another of my white wisteria has light purple blooms.
Seedling from a mature purple has been a white flowering in a different location for some 20 years now. I heard the factor was soil conditions ie acidity.
Yes I had planted seeds from a white wisteria and 6 yrs later they started. Looming -all 4 plants turned out light purpleš¤·♀️
Current situation for us: wisteria everywhere, flowers haven't been present for several months, although one or two purple ones popped up quite late. In 2022 spring (november), my recollection is that they weren't in profusion and were white.
Our wisteria plant is over 36 years old. Up to this year it is only had white flowers. This year. they are purpleish blue with some white. It’s beautiful and a beautiful surprise
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